Peter ShamahPeter Shamah 
Double-Major in Art History and Jewish Studies (SAS '18) 

Over the course of my Rutgers experience, few departments or organizations have been as impactful and inspiring as the Jewish studies department. During my past five formative years at Rutgers, the Bildner Center and the various staff have been part of the foundations of my Jewish experience. My time here was highlighted by taking courses on a variety of topics,from biblical Hebrew poetry, to the Dead Sea Scrolls, to museum studies. I’ve also served as Dr. Gary Rendsburg’s research assistant, and have been offered the opportunity to partake in exciting and unique academic endeavors, such as the transcription and digitization of the medieval Obadiah the Proselyte documents. What remains certain is that with the support, compassion, and friendship of those at the Bildner Center, I’ve experienced incredible growth as a scholar and an individual, without which my Rutgers degree would not have been possible.

Peter Shamah